This site was built for all our customers, and publicize our company 100% Campechana, as the creator of celebrities Richaud Charritos.

We manufacture and distribute a variety of products such as CHIPS, BOTTLE, SAPS and COOKIES Our purpose is to offer products of the highest quality to our customers. Richaud Group founded in 1955 and Galletera Richaud in 1940, our company has established itself today as companies with a presence in southeastern Mexico, the leader in sales of our products. Being productive enterprises, human, profitable and competitive, with a national and international is our main goal.

Products there are many ... but as RICHAUD none. !
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Mr. Manuel Richaud Misset born in the year of 1892. Son of Captain Antonio Richaud Fontanare and owner of the vessels "Disappointment" and "The Telegraph", from a very young age was orphaned.
His mother made ​​friends with a Spanish family leaving him as apprentice. Over time and due to his ability and his work, Mr. Manuel took over the family business Spanish. With it learned all about biscuits and snacks made of wheat.
By moving the family, Mr. Manuel decided to apply their knowledge. He established a small factory in the neighborhood of San Francisco, then settled in what was the Quinta Santa Margarita, forming partnership with Mr. Humberto Barbosa and later with Mr. Jose Sansores (father). Mr. Manuel begot 9 children: Leonor, Socorro, Armando (+), Humberto (+), Orlando (+), Javier (+), Argelia, Miguel and Edgar. In 1940 Manuel Richaud undertakes the growth of his industry by creating the "Biscuits M. Richaud M ", this was during the administration of Dr. Héctor Pérez Martínez. This Hearty industry, with experience, ability and above all tenacity in business. It begins its growth in the field of this industry (biscuit) and facing challenges from the competition, which has existed all the time in the markets and also to the current political situations.
Also of commercial and industrial laws, which proved to be obsolete at the time. And that being foreign son had to put his business on behalf of their children changing its name to "Galletera Brothers Richaud, S. RL "with the passage of time their children faithfully followed the teachings of his father's school forged them.

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